Spectrin-protein 4.1-actin complex, 164
Spermatogenesis, 788
inhibition, 789
pharmacological, 789
Spermatozoa, 183
Spermine, 332
Sphincter of Oddi, 200, 208
Sphingolipid activator proteins (SAPs), 412
Sphingolipids, 401
catabolism and storage disorders of, 409
Sphingomyelins, 406
Spina bifida, 619
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1,561
Spinocerebellar ataxias, 609
Spironolactone, 707
Spliceosome, 571
Splicing and ribozymes, 571
Spontaneity of reaction, 69
Spontaneous autoimmune disease, 778
Spontaneous mutagenesis, 559
Squalene, 420
conversion to lanosterol, 420
Squamous cells, 208
Src homology domain-2, 494
SRE, 603
St. Louis, 667
Stable cells, 179
Stacking interactions, 526
Stages of protein synthesis
initiation, 576
Standard emf,
E '\
Standard free energy change, 73
Standard heats of formation, 77
Staphylococcus, 860
S ta p h y lo c o c c u s au reu s,
190, 192,219
Starches, 147, 208
Stargardt’s disease, 910
Starvation, 78, 278
protein catabolism during, 510
Statin therapy, 419
Statins, 417,419, 446, 449
Steady-state condition, 70
Steady-state level, 111
Steatohepatitis, 127
Steatorrhea, 218, 879
Steatosis, 127
Stercobilinogen, 694
Stereochemical aspects of the TCA
cycle, 244
Steroid, 700
synthesis of, 235
Steroid hormone action
generic depiction, 712
Steroid hormone receptors, 711
Steroid hormones, 702, 707
Steroid hormones from
biosynthesis, 704
Steroid receptors, 603
Steroid response element, 603
Steroid structure and nomenclature, 703
Steroid sulfatase, 757
Steroid sulftase (STS) deficiency, 759
Steroid synthesis
zone-specific, 750
Steroid-binding serum proteins, 707, 708
Steroids, 603
Stimulation of endogenous gonadotropin
secretion, 799
Stimulatory G-protein (Gs), 717
Stomach, 198
Storage carbohydrates, 147
Storage of iron, 679
Stored fuels, 496
Strabismus, 361
Strand displacement, 550
Streptococcus, 860
Streptococcus bovis, 936
S trep to co c cu s m u tan s,
Streptococus, 816
Streptokinase, 126, 132
Streptokinase-plasmin(ogen), 860
Streptomyces pilosis, 682
Streptomycin, 583
Streptovirudin, 316
Structure of 3,3',5,5'-tetraiodo-L-thyronine,
Structure of proteins
primary, secondary, tertiary, 51
quaternary, 51
Structure of RNA, 564
Structure of skeletal muscle, 456
Stuart-Prower factor (autoprothrombin III),
Submitochondrial particles, 251
Submucosa, 199
SubstanceP, 734
Substrate, 69
Substrate-level phosphorylation, 231, 257
Subtilisin, 106
Subunits of polypeptide chains, 58
side chains, 653
Succinate dehydrogenase, 244, 256
inhibition of, 93
Succinate thiokinase, 243
Succinate-CoQ reductase, 251
Succinonitrile, 101
Succinyl-CoA, 243, 244
Succinyl-CoA synthase, 243
Sucrase-a-dextrinase, 213
Sucrose, 145
sweetness of, 146
Sucrose a-D-glucohydroIase, 211
Sugar acids, 140
aldonic, 140
uronic, 140
Sugar alcohols, 139
Sugar phosphates, 142
suicide enzyme-inactivator or a
mechanism-based inhibitor, 632
Suicide substrate, 95
Sulfatides, 409
Sulfenamide, 205
Sulfenic acid, 205
Sulfhemoglobin, 673
Sulfinpyrazone, 633
Sulfonal, 673
Sulfonamide drugs, 626
Sulfonamides, 93
Sulfonylurea receptors, 220, 228
Sulfonylurea-receptor transporter, 220
Sulfonylureas, 493, 514
Sulfonylureas bind, 514
Sulfosalicylic acid, 36
Sulfotransferase, 797
Sulfuric acid, 7
Sunlight, 73
Supercoiled DNA, 526
Superoxide anion, 271
Superoxide dismutase, 271,
272, 609, 895
Supersecondary structure, 54
Supraoptic nucleus (SON), 729
SUR/Kir6.2, 493
Swainsonine, 316, 317
Sweat, 220
chloride test,
Sympathetic nervous system, 224
Synapse, 98
Synaptobrevin, 464
Syndecans, 322
Syndein, 164
Synovial fluid, 183
Synthesis of androgens, 706
Synthesis of androgens: 17,20-Lyase, 706
Synthesis of corticosteroids, 750
Synthesis of estrogens, 706
Synthesis of estrogens: aromatase
(CYP19), 706
Synthetases (ligases),
8 6
Synthetic corticosteroids, 754
Synthetic GnRH agonists, 790
Syphilis, 240
Systemic lupus, 827
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 537,
832, 952
T (taut) state of ATCase, 113
T cell receptors (TcR), 808
T lymphocytes, 194
T suppressor cells, 808
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